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Timeline of a typical year at DGNZ




Summer is the buisiest time for us at DGNZ. Here are some of the things that are happening on the farm:


  • We have our annual deer sales in December and January.

  • We are busy scoring and assessing our 5yr trophy stags and their genetic lines.

  • Kelly is busy travelling New Zealand collecting and buying velvet from farmers.

  • Our fawns are tagged and DNA tested.

Summer 1

Timeline of a typical year at DGNZ




After the boom of the summer, the velveting is done and the stags enter the yearly roar. Here are some things happening on the farm in Autumn:


  • Stags are in the roar and split into paddocks with hinds selected to mate with.

  • Semen is collected from our top sires and we begin our Artificial Insemination (AI) programm.

  • We also begin our domestic Embryo Transplanting program (ET). We select  donor hinds, make and transplant their premium genetic cross embryos to recipient hinds.

  • Export embryos are frozen in liquid nitrogen awaiting export.

Autmn 2

Timeline of a typical year at DGNZ




In winter we focus on crops and stock management!

  • Our animals are on winter feed so that means a lot of shifting breaks, feeding out balaege and grains.

  • The roar is finished and that means it's time for pregnancy scanning.

Winter 3

Timeline of a typical year at DGNZ




Spring brings rain and sunshine for DGNZ farms. At this time of the year we are busy:


  • Planting our winter crops, including: rape, fodder beet, grasses and kale.

  • Hinds are fawing in our gullys where they have privacy and shelter.

  • We begin to assess our trophy stags and velvet our growing stags.

Spring 4

Contact Us



Kelly Bennett

Phone: 0274 324 215




Wendy Farnell (Office) 

Phone: 0274 934 851




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